Username and Password Recovery

Forgot User Name

If you forget the user name for your TDS online account, you can easily recover it using your account number or recovery contact information (if it’s set up for your account).

Here are the steps to recover your user name:

  1. On, select one of the menu options under My Account, to get to the Secure Login page. On that page, click on the Forgot user name? Retrieve it link that’s under the blue Continue button.Secure login Screenshot
  2. On the Username Recovery page, you can either enter your account number or choose to have a security code sent to you. Choose the option you want, and click continue.

    Recover Username Using Account Number

    • Enter your account number and click Continue.Username recovery Screenshot
    • On the next page, enter your account PIN and click Continue.Security identifier Screenshot

    Recover Username Using a Recovery Contact

    • Choose how to receive your security code and then enter your email address or phone number and click Continue.Recovery email address Screenshot
    • A security code will be sent to your selected method. Once you receive it, enter it in the Security Code box and click Submit.Enter security code Screenshot
  3. On the Choose an account page, select the user name that you want to use to log in.Choose an account Screenshot
  4. On the Secure Login page, enter the password associated with the user name and click Sign in.Enter password on secure login Screenshot

If you don’t know your password, click Forgot Password link to reset.

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