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Metacritic and Thuuz Scores

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TDS TV+ offers subscribers “at-a-glance” views of how critics rated that movie. Movies are rated on a scale of 0-100 and color coded; green scores indicate your best bets. Metacritic takes all the reviews for a movie, averages them, and gives you a combined score.

Metacritic and Thuuz Scores

To see the Metacritic rating (if available), highlight a movie title in the guide. The score will show up next to the Movie Title above the guide.

Metacritic scores can be found in What to Watch, Search, Action Screen, Info banner and Streaming Movies folder.

Metacritic and Thuuz Scores

While browsing in What to Watch, subscribers can now see if a game is worth watching by looking at the Thuuz excitement rating. The rating goes from 0-100, with 100 being an awesome game. These ratings can change until the game is completed, at which time the number remains fixed. Thuuz Scores are in What to Watch, Grid Guide, Tech Search, Info screens and SmartBar. The following sports are supported:

  • NA Leagues — NFL, MLB, NHL, NBA, MLS, NCAA Football, NCAA Basketball (Men’s)
  • EU Leagues — EPL, Bundesliga, La Liga, Serie A, Ligue 1, UEFA Champions/Europa
  • Global Sports — Golf (PGA), Tennis (ATP)

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