Account Creation

Create an Account

A TDS online account gives you access to your TDS-provided email*, Online Bill Pay, and TV Everywhere* with just one user name and password combination.

(*Email and TV Everywhere are included with select TDS services and are not applicable to everyone.)

If you have a TDS-provided email address (which ends with you already have an online account. And you’ll use that user name and password to log in to your account.

If you don’t have a TDS-provided email address, it’s easy to set up your TDS online account. Simply navigate to the Secure Login page of (get there by clicking My Account, and then choosing the Online Bill Pay, Manage Account or watch TVEverywhere.)

Steps to Set Up Your Account

  1. On the Secure Login page, click the Sign Up button. Secure Login page with field for User Name/Email Address. Below that a highlighted button to Sign Up if you don't have a TDS online account
  2. Enter one of the following: email address, phone number, or account number and click Continue. Register Your Account page. Fields for First Name, Last Name, and Account Number.
    • To validate your identity, a security code will be sent to the email address or phone number you enter.
      • On the Verify Your Identity screen, you'll be prompted to add your email address or phone number as an account "recovery contact". (A recovery contact allows you to easily reset your account if you are ever unable to sign in.)
      • To add your information as a recovery contact, leave the check box marked. Or uncheck the box to skip. Click Continue.
      • Enter the security code once you receive it, then click Submit
    • If you use your account number, enter your PIN, then click ContinueSecurity Identifier page. Field for PIN (Account Password)
  3. Next, enter your First Name, then Last Name. If you already have an email address you’d like to use as the user name for your TDS account, enter it in the Email address field. Or, you can create a new TDS user name by typing what you want your user name to be in the TDS User Name field.Create user, fields for first name, last name. Options to enter email address or create TDS user name. Continue button.
    If you use an existing email address as a user name, a security code will be sent to that email address for verification. Check your email, and enter in the code you receive, then click Submit. Create user, fields for first name, last name. Options to enter email address or create TDS user name. Continue button.
  4. Then, set your password keeping in mind password requirements: 8 characters minimum length, one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, and a symbol: !, %, &, @, #, $, ^, *, ?, _, ~. Click continue when you're finished.Fields for Password and Confirm Password. Continue button.
  5. Your TDS online account is now set up. You can log in to manage your account, access Online Bill Pay, and TV Everywhere (if applicable) with one user name/password combination.

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